Atlanta West Employee Sunshine

Committee Bylaws


What is the Sunshine Committee?

  • The Sunshine Committee of the Atlanta West SSA field office is a voluntary

Committee in which the staff at ATL West voluntarily contributes a fund and establishes By-laws. This contribution will go to fund a variety of employee activities throughout the year. This committee will plan and coordinate all of the sunshine events. The Sunshine Committee members are volunteers from the Atlanta West staff. All staff members are encouraged to contribute to the sunshine fund and all are welcome to consider serving on the Committee.

The Sunshine Committee:

  • The Sunshine Committee will consist of no more than six (6) and no less than four (4) people. Committee membership will be open to new Sunshine Committee members every year, at the June staff meeting or as needed to maintain the appropriate committee membership numbers.

Sunshine Fund:

The Fund Treasurer will collect a contribution of $100 annually from each member of the Fund.  Membership dues can be paid in full, bi-annually or quarterly as follows:

  • $100 payment in full
  • $50   bi-annually (Due July and January)
  • $25   quarterly (due July, October, January, and April)


A reminder notice will be issued on the last day of the month due.  A termination notice will be delivered after second bi-annual or quarterly payment is missed. If dues are in arrears of one or more quarterly/bi-annual payment, the sunshine member will not be able to participate in any sunshine function or have use of any sunshine benefit.


Temporary employees will be able to participate in functions as non-members.


Members will not be expected to contribute while on leave or detail exceeding 120 days. In cases of extended absences (vacation, details, sick leave, leave without pay, etc.) resumption of timely contributions effective with the date of return will serve to reinstate a member.


For the following situations, no back dues will be collected:

Extended LWOP

Extended sick leave

Extended details outside of the office

Leave where the Family Leave Act applies

(define extended: 30 days or more)


Any member wishing to voluntarily terminate their membership in the Sunshine Program may do so in writing with the knowledge that this termination will also terminate membership in the Sunshine Fund. Termination is defined as no further participation in the gift fund, group get-togethers, dinners, holiday meals, birthday celebrations and any activity that uses any sunshine fund products. No refunds of any past fees will be given once termination in writing is submitted.



What does Sunshine Committee Contributions Cover?


The three major activities that are covered by the staff contributions are:

1)    Birthdays

2)    The Annual Thanksgiving Feast

3)    The Annual Christmas Party


The Sunshine Committee may choose to sponsor other “social” events, when the

Sunshine committee is able to schedule those events.


Other occasions that the sunshine committee should recognize are (as budget allows):


New Employees


  • Provide all New Employees with a welcome note. A Sunshine Committee member should also personally welcome that new staff person when they arrive on their first day.



New Arrivals

  • When an employee, spouse, or partner of an employee has a baby or if an employee adopts a child, they will receive a card plus an appropriate gift congratulating them on their new addition to their family.



Employee gets married

  • When an employee gets married, they will receive an appropriate gift not to exceed $25.


Employees Birthdays


  • We will celebrate each members Birthday of the Sunshine Fund by giving the member a cupcake or a single Treat of their choice, card, balloon and cubicle decoration from the Sunshine fund. We will also make a public announcement of the member’s birthday prior to the 9am office opening.


Hospitalization or Illness


  • If an employee is hospitalized or is out of the office for a period of time due to illness or surgery, the employee will receive a card plus flowers, a plant or a fruit basket. (Not to exceed $65)



  • Flowers or a Fruit Basket will be sent to an employee who has a death in the family of a Spouse, Partner, Mother, Father, Grandparents, Siblings (Brother/Sister), and Children of that employee. If it is an in-law or someone close to an employee, a condolence card will be sent in both instances. If an employee dies, an appropriate condolence will be given to his/her family.


An Employees Departure on good terms

  • When an employee leaves the SSA of Atlanta West on good terms, they will receive an appropriate departing celebration and/or gift not to exceed $50. (This excludes Retirement)





Provisions of the Sunshine Committee:

  • Any changes to these By-Laws must be voted upon at a Staff Meeting, with at least one-week prior notice given to all staff of the changes that are being proposed. A majority of Sunshine Members must cast a vote either in person at a staff meeting or by email. A majority vote is needed for a change to be approved.